Sunday, February 21, 2010

Do you think obama should paint the white house black and call it the black house sen as how he is the first ?

black presidentDo you think obama should paint the white house black and call it the black house sen as how he is the first ?
The term ';White House'; refers to the color of the house, not the occupant.

*sigh*Do you think obama should paint the white house black and call it the black house sen as how he is the first ?
People like you will stop asking the same moronic questions and will realize that Mr Obama is your President too. Hopefully you and others like you will start acting like American citizens and start giving our newly elected leader a chance to do something for the good of all us. Instead you are all acting like a bunch of anarchists trying to overthrow an illegal government.

You, and others, are shamefuly acting like spoiled children. What were ';we the people'; supposed to do, hand power over to the same bunch of incompetence that got us here in the first place just because you wanted it that way,well keep it up,soon there will be no national Republican party in existence, until you people get it again, if ever!.

This question and all other questions like it are offensive and bigoted. Why does everyone think things will be done differently based on the fact that his skin is a different colour?

No there won't be more fried chicken and grape kool aid served at the white house

No he won't put spinners on the presidential limousine

And no the white house won't be painted black

Get your head out of your posterior
There`s no money left for any paint and there will not b e any for the next 4 years. All the tax money Pres Bush used to finance wars and all of our future tax money will go to finance the economic chaos made by the Democrats. I got a gallon of red paint that I was going to use to paint my house, but since my house is gone, I can sell it to the Democrats for $1 billion dollars of their additional $300 ';bailout';. They just may need it to paint the future flags of the Democratic Peoples Republic of America.
okay one thing is he isent black he is mixed so he is white to just like u kk #2 he is gonna be our prez starting jan. so weather you like it or no he still is gonna be or prez. #3 it says in the bible that everything happens 4 a reason so obama got chosen for a reason we may not no why but we will in the future. even if he is gonna be a bad prez he got chosen for a reason so just please thank about it and keep god in ur heart and it isent nice to make comments like that about our prez. have a wondreful day, %26lt;ur info%26gt;
The white house is aptly named because it was painted white after it was burned down in Richmond VA during the Civil war. I don't think we're going to mess with American history and culture just because of skin color. Are you going to hang a dixie flag in your yard and hope the south will rise again?
I think that you racist chuckle-heads should just crawl back under the porch and stay put while the rest of us get on with restoring American to her former greatness. We'll do fine without your input, and you might even like what you see when we're done. And if you don't -- tough Twinkies.
Back in my country, if a man is half white and half black, we paint his house two tone to show him the true meaning of 'master'.

Because lately, a master is what America has been missing.


Not that I dislike his blackness (i love it actually), but he's WHITE too the world isn't gonna flip upside down because he was elected.

Although I was the happiest I've ever been when it happened =)
boy is this an original question. yeah i think it should be painted black. Haven't you heard? Black is back. And then he should send the Secret Service to your house for grammar lessons.
To answer your question ';no.'; Maybe we can paint the person who asked this dumb question black since it has no originality and no relevance.
Get over it and get a life. He is Our President- elect and it is now time for people like you to either shut up or ship out.
You are so witty. President-elect Obama and Mrs. Obama some decorating options. Why don't you submit your question to their staff.
Perhaps he should only paint HALF of it black since he is only HALF black. The other half he should paint in tie-dye to honor his hippy/loser mother.
And we have a winner THE STUPIDEST question of the day! congratulations..

Its the White House because its white..not because of who occupies it
Bush is more pink than white - he didn't change the color of the white house.

That is a stupid questions, and has been asked many times.

Thats ignorant and stupid.

The white house should just stay as it is...its been there for the last 300 years...why change it?

Obama's not black..he's human.
No I don't. He probably would love to go in and change everything. He will change some things I'm sure. I heard he plans to make a basketball court.
In short no.

In long nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo鈥?br>

That is the dumbest thing I have heard today.
yeah and he should also order your *** painted black so u don't mistaken *** as your brain.
im sick of idiots asking this question, it's getting old

and no he is going to paint the house with change and hope!
I would say to paint it red so when we turn communist we can be prepared.
No race is not the reason for the name white house
The house belongs to the public, not him.

i think he should leave it as is

he might call it that in his head though

How many times is this same retarded question going to get posted?
You crazy yankee doodles
I think he shuld make george bush wear a maids outfit and be a cleaner.
well you are forgetting one important fact....HE IS 1/2 WHITE TOO!!!
Should be painted with black and white lines similar to prisoners' uniform.
Obama is Arab/white...not black.

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